Deliberations for future projects ... |
From October 4-7 took place in Halle the conference titled “Zur Kultur einer Religionsgeschichte”. The international meeting was organized by Manfred Lang of the Theological Faculty of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, and Jos Verheyden (Catholic University, Leuven), with the assistance of Bastian Lemitz, within the project “Aufklärung durch Philologie” (Enlightenment by means of Philology), promoting the publication of Johann Jakob Wettstein’s Corpus Hellenisticum. Different aspects of the 18th-century culture in which Wettstein lived and with which the scholar was confronted have been discussed: intellectual history (Friedemann Stengel and Claudia Drese, Halle), reception history of Wettstein’s 1751-1752 New Testament edition (Christoph Schmitt-Maaß, Halle; Detlev Dormeyer, Dortmund), exegesis of the book of Acts (Niels Neumann, Kassel), Wettstein’s textual criticism (Jan Krans and Silvia Castelli, Amsterdam), Wettstein’s Corpus Hellenisticum (Jos Verheyden), Wettstein’s Dissertatio (Bastian Lemniz, Halle), ancient epigraphy (Imre Peres, Debrecen), and the concept of history of religion (Manfred Lang, Halle).
The Halle conference will be followed by a second one next year, and by a volume of its proceedings.