Sunday, October 01, 2017

Amsterdam Database of New Testament Conjectural Emendation - release 2017-4

Here are the release notes for the most recent instalment of the Amsterdam Database.


Compared to the previous release (2017–3), 125 conjecture records were added (cj16303 to cj16427), together with 482 history records (s28066 to s28547). The total number of true conjectures (not an editorial alternative; not misunderstood) is now 6030 (out of 6428 conjecture records). The total number of history records is 18547.

Many fresh conjectures are by Blass, but also conjectures by Zuntz, Price, Mill, Bailey, J. Weiss, Scheidweiler, Völter and some others have been added. Noteworthy is also cj16367, as the most recent conjecture, published in 2017 by our colleague Peter-Ben Smit.

Noteworthy corrections and additions

For cj11309 on Matt 9:12, previously marked as misunderstood since the authors indicated by Bowyer (Heinsius and Grotius) could not be confirmed, the true author has now been identified, namely Samuel Clarke; hence the conjecture is no longer marked as misunderstood.

For cj13009 on Mark 9:12 a slightly earlier author than Pallis has been found, namely Bultmann (1931).

For cj11389 on Luke 8:9 the question of authorship has been resolved. It concerns a conditional conjecture (if λέγοντες is maintained, then the text should be emended) by Beza, repeated by Lucas Brugensis and Price.

For cj15288 on Luke 8:36 an earlier author than Griesbach has been found, namely Mill.

For cj12005 on John 21:12 an earlier author than Semler has been found, namely Mill.

For cj14497 on Acts 8:10 an earlier author than Michelsen has been found, namely Mill.

The conjecture by van de Sande Bakhuyzen on Acts 9:28 (cj12015) was previously listed as attested by min. 1837 (following information from CNTTS), but it transpires (from CNTTS as well as ECM) that it omits the entire verse and should therefore not be counted as attestation for this short omission only.

For cj10092 on Acts 13:33, which has been adopted in the recently published ECM volume, the reception history has been much expanded.

For cj15121 on Acts 19:40, Pervo’s opinion that the verse contains a primitive corruption, Pervo
himself indicates that Ropes already expressed the idea. Pervo’s opinion is now listed as “Pro.”

For cj14697 on Acts 28:1 an earlier author than Michelsen has been found, namely Mill.

For cj13390 on 1 Tim 6:5 an earlier author than Naber has been found, namely Price.
Price’s conjecture on Tt 2:5 (cj13402) should be listed as a substitution, not an addition.

For cj15284 on Jas 3:6 (an editorial alternative) an earlier author than Abresch has been found, namely Heinsius (as well as Grotius).

For cj11016 on Rev 1:7, the correct form of Price’s conjecture is ἐπ’ αὐτοῦ, not ὑπ’ αὐτοῦ, as incorrectly reported by Bowyer.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Symposium and Thesis Defence

19 June 2017 – Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
The Many Lives of the New Testament Text
Liturgy, History, and Conjectural Emendation
12.45–15.00 Symposium
15.30–16.45 Thesis defence by Bart Kamphuis
Symposium – PThU-zaal (1E-24, PThU, VU-hoofdgebouw)
Over the past six years at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam a research group funded by NWO studied the history of New Testament Conjectural Emendation. The scholars involved are: Silvia Castelli, Bart Kamphuis, Jan Krans, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, and Karin Neutel. On the 19th of June, Kamphuis will defend his doctoral dissertation on Jan Hendrik Holwerda, titled: Against All Authorities: The New Testament Conjectural Emendation of Jan Hendrik Holwerda (1805–1886).
To commemorate the final stage of the project—the Amsterdam Database of New Testament Conjectural Emendation has been made available through the NT.VMR of INTF Münster, Kamphuis’ dissertation is finished, Castelli’s dissertation is soon to follow, Krans’ monograph will be sent to the publisher this fall, and Lietaert Peerbolte’s and Neutel’s publications are on their way—
a symposium will be held preceding the PhD ceremony.
The programme of this symposium is as follows:
12.45 hrs
Welcome and introduction – Prof. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte (VU)
13.00 hrs
“Will Not Be Found”: The Previous History of the ECM Conjecture on 2 Pet 3:10 – Bart Kamphuis (VU)
13.20 hrs
“A Few More Things” (Luke 10:41–42) – Prof. Tommy Wasserman (Örebro Teologiska Högskola)
13.40 hrs
The Wondrous World of Critical Conjecture – Dr. Jan Krans (VU/PThU)
14.00 hrs
The Liturgical Annotations to Codex Bezae and the History of Textual Scholarship – Prof. Jennifer Knust (Boston University)
14.20 hrs
The New Testament in Modern Times – Prof. George Harinck (VU/TUA)
14.40 hrs
Discussion and closing remarks – Prof. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte (VU)
15.00 hrs
Thesis defence by Bart Kamphuis – Hoofdgebouw Vrije Universiteit, Aula
The PhD defence will be held in the Aula of the Vrije Universiteit, and begins at 15.45 hrs. Visitors are expected to gather in the Aula at around 15.30; members of the Doctoral Committee gather in the Forumzaal of the Vrije Universiteit at the same time.
You are hereby kindly invited to attend both this symposium and the PhD defence ceremony.
Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte
Professor of New Testament
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
For some background on the NWO project,
see two articles by Rianne Lindhout in VU Magazine: