Thursday, January 31, 2013

SBL International Meeting

Today was to be the last day for paper proposals for the upcoming Meeting of SBL International, to be held in St. Andrews (July 7-11, 2013), but I just received notice that the deadline has been extended to February 11th. (Lucky you ...)
There is a program unit on (Biblical) Textual Criticism called ”Working With Biblical Manuscripts”, which already has quite some interesting papers coming, but which can of course use some more ...
[JK; updated 31 January 2013 (also changing “Aberdeen” to “St. Andrews” (lucky me)]

1 comment:

Tommy Wasserman said...

Jan, if you want to preside a session in our program unit and present a paper, you should throw yourself on the first available train or bus from Aberdeen and head for St. Andrews, where the conference is held.