Today, I found out that yet another New Testament Greek manuscript has gone online,
min. 177. It is found at the
Digitale Bibliothek of the Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum.
The shelf mark of the manuscript is (BSB) Cod. Graec. 211.
Interestingly, this is the manuscript Daniel Wallace wrote about in July last year, because he found a version of the
Comma Johanneum (the spurious expansion to 1 John 5:8) in the top margin of the manuscript when he consulted it in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in München. His report (‘
The Comma Johanneum in an Overlooked Manuscript’) had no image of the page, but now I can give you
There are other Greek manuscripts in the BSB collection; perhaps someone at the
Evangelical Textual Criticism weblog (there is of course no such thing as “evangelical” textual criticism different from ”textual criticism” proper, but that does not matter) can put together a nice listing of these?
Hello Jan, you are absolutely right about "evangelical textual criticism." In one sense it is no more different from textual criticism, than Amsterdam NT scholarship, as reflected on this blog, is different any other NT scholarship. In fact, I am not entirely happy with this kind of labeling myself (especially not since "evangelical" has a number of negative connotations, which I personally do not wish to be connected with).
But, on the other hand, it may be helpful for readers to know that the scholars at ETC share certain views of these transmitted texts of the NT, although even here there is plenty of room for nuance, as reflected in the ongoing discussion. In sum, I don't have an exact idea of what "evangelical textual criticism" is, but I would like to find out.
Some comments and questions on the CJ in 177:
- ότι was added later--probably by the same hand.
- The script has the look of being Greek written by someone more familiar with Latin characters.
- There is something appended to the quote which I can't make out, but it appears to be in Latin characters.
- Is the ligature preceding the quote N. B.?
Thanks for your comments.
- οτι is indeed by the same hand, by a European scholar;
- "NB" (and "v. 7.") is indeed what it starts with;
- it ends with "Deest hic" ("is missing here"); it touches the folio number ("74").
So would it be worth mentioning in a critical apparatus?
Jan Krans:
So would it be worth mentioning in a critical apparatus?
Yes, because:
1) This is probably a singular reading of the CJ (without 'in earth');
2) Virtually every reading of the CJ is singular;
3) There are so few mss with the CJ that it is worth mentioning any time a mss has it.
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